Thursday, October 15, 2020

Revision questions for Half Yearly Examination ( Class 5 English )

 Revision Questions

Class 5 English

Part 1

1. Complete the stanzas.

a ) His cart might be a flower bed                    b ) Jane looked up and then she spoke

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2. Answer the following questions in 20 to 30 words.

a ) Why did the Maharaja go into the kitchen in the afternoon ?

b ) List out the ingredients of Avial.

c ) What is the ice-cream cart compared to in the poem ?

d ) List any three flavours of ice-cream the ice-cream man has in his cart ?

e ) Write any three sentences about a relay race .

f ) List any three activities where teamwork is highly needed.

g ) Why did the old bird advise the other birds to destroy the creeper ?

h ) Why did the geese pretend to be dead ?

Part 2

1. Why do you think your shadow jumps into bed before you can ?

2. Complete the stanza

He is very very like me from the 




3. What do the following words mean ?

buttercup _____________________________________________

arrant        _____________________________________________

4. What made Robinson Crusoe think that the print on the ground was a footprint?

5. Write three lines about Robinson Crusoe.

6. Write any three incidents which make you cry ?

7. List out any four words ending with -ness.

8. Whose character do you like more - Munna;s or Bhaiya's ? Why?

9. Describe Munna in 30 words.

10. Describe Bhaiya in 30 words.

Part 3

1. Did you like the frog's behaviour? Why?

2. How did the frog behave when his mother called him?

3. What kind of man was Rip Van Winkle ? ( Describe in 30 words )

4. What were the strange things about the men on the mountains? ( Write any three lines )

5. What activity was going on in the class? Who didn't air her opinion?

6. Write any three points you might discuss before planning a visit to the park .

7. Why was the Sultan in a hurry?

8. Why did the Barber want a lot of food?

9. Answer the following in 30 words.

a. Write a paragraph on "Village barber".

b. Write a notice about a football match.

c. Write a short paragraph an Avial.

d. Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about your online studies.

10. Describe the picture in 30 words.

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