Friday, November 27, 2020

Gulliver’s Travels Class 5 English NCERT Solutions


New Word Practice

Write the following words three times each.


Three times each

































































Word Meanings

Write the following words and their meanings.




The story of a person written by him


The story of a person written by others


A traveller by water


Large or powerful


A resident


To investigate


Unproductive or unused


A group of people working in a ship or aircraft


A living being


Huge, strange and terrifying shape


Up and down very sharply


Boundary formed by bushes


Great surprise


Shout loudly




A low sound



This story has been taken from the very famous ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ written by Jonathan Swift. In total, Gulliver goes on four different voyages. This extract is about the second voyage he takes where he meets the human like huge creatures.

In this sea voyage, he finds himself, along with his companions, in a barren rocky land. A few of them go to check out for water on the island. However, they fail to find any water. All of a sudden, the companions are chased by a huge creature.

They escape with good luck but Gulliver remains all alone on that island. He tries to hide himself but soon a giant discovers him. The giant takes Gulliver to his house. He places Gulliver on the dining table. The giant farmer’s wife crumbles some bread and places before Gulliver to eat.

The farmer’s one-year-old son arrives and grabs Gulliver and tries to eat him. Gulliver shouts loudly and the baby drops him but the farmer’s wife catches him. She puts Gulliver on her own bed and covers him with a handkerchief, thereby showing they are such kind creatures. Gulliver dreams about his home, his wife and his children.

Reading is Fun

Answer the following questions.

Q. 1 Why did the captain send the men to the land?

Ans: The captain sent the men to the land for collecting water.

Q. 2 Why did the men rush back to the ship?

Ans: The men rushed back to the ship because they were chased by a huge creature.

Q. 3 Choose the correct answer.

(i) The giant carried a reaping hook because

(a) he was fighting with the other giants.

(b) he was going to reap the corn.

(c) he wanted to frighten Gulliver.

Ans: He was going to reap the corn.

(ii) They put Gulliver on the ground to look at him because 

(a) they had never seen a human before.

(b) they thought he was a doll.

(c) they had never seen such a tiny man.

Ans: They had never seen such a tiny man.

(iii) Gulliver was

(a) a farmer

(b) a sailor

(c) a dwarf.

(d) a giant

Ans: A sailor

Q. 4 Name the creature  to whom you would look like Gulliver. 

The creature is now extinct.

The word begins with the letter D ________________

Ans: Dinosaur

Q. 5 From the text, write the sentence that tells you the following.

(i) The giant reapers were fascinated by Gulliver. __________________________

Ans: They all sat on the ground to take a good look at me.

(ii) Gulliver was a learned man. _______________________________________

Ans: I went on to explore.

(iii) The farmer's son thought Gulliver was a toy. __________________________

Ans: On seeing me the child grabbed me from the table and put my head into his mouth.

(iv) The farmer's wife was a kind-hearted woman. _________________________

Ans. Later she put me on her own bed and covered me with a clean white handkerchief.

Let’s Talk

1. Read the following sentences carefully.

The giant farmer’s voice was as loud as a bellowing trumpet.


The giant farmer’s voice was as loud as thunder.

When something is very cold, we say it as cold as ice. This is because ice is very very cold.

Now complete the following. Use the words given in the box.

as __________________ as a feather

as __________________ as a tortoise 

as _________________ as honey

as _________________ as snow

as _________________ as an ox

as _________________ as night

as _________________as a rose

as _________________ as a toast

as_________________ as a breeze


as light as a feather

as slow as a tortoise 

as sweet as honey

as white as snow

as strong as an ox

as black as night

as red as a rose

as warm as a toast

as gentle as a breeze

Use the above expressions to complete the following sentences.

(i) The old man’s hair is as white ______________.( Ans: As snow )

(ii) His feet were as cold ________________. ( Ans: As snow )

(iii) The newspaper boy was as slow ______________ in delivering the papers. ( Ans: as a tortoise )

(iv) I felt as light _______________ after exercising. ( Ans: as feather )

Create your own comparisons for the following. Work in pairs.

as tall as __________ ( Ans: a coconut tree )

as fast as _________ ( Ans: a Jaguar )

as high as _________ ( Ans: a kite )

as angry as ________ ( Ans: a bull )

as tiny as _________  ( Ans: an ant )

as brave as ________ ( Ans: a lion )

2. There are many reasons why something happens.



1. Gulliver could not climb the fence because

• every step was six feet high. • he saw one of the giants coming towards him. • he ran to hide himself

All the three are reasons why Gulliver was unable to climb the fence.

Now look at the pictures and discuss in groups why the following events happened. You may find more than one reason for each of them.

  • The actors were not available for the play.
  • The tickets were not sold.

  • There was no electricity.

  • There was a lockdown.

  • That was a cool night for a walk.

  • They wanted to spend time by walking.

  • They were visiting the nearby house.

  • They were returning to their home after a long walk.

Let's Write

Look at the following examples.

I was trying to climb over the fence when the giant saw me.

The farmer's wife was stroking the cat when her one year-old son entered.

Both the actions were in the past.

When the first one was going on in the past, the second one happened.

1. Match the following and write complete sentences in the lines below.

What was happening?                                                     What happened?

(i) I was writing a letter.                                                        the lights went out.

(ii) Paul was looking out of the window.                         the bell rang.

(iii) *He was looking for his dog.                                 he noticed a lovely butterfly.

(iv) * I was  just completing the last answer.         he fell off the ladder.

(v) The man was painting the wall.                                     I met Arun.

(vi) Amit was doing his homework.                                     my pen ran out.

(vii) My mother was cooking dinner.                             ma'am said, "stop writing."


(i) I was writing a letter when my pen ran out.

(ii) Paul was looking out of the window when he noticed a lovely butterfly.

(iii) *When I met Arun, he was looking for his dog.

(iv) *When ma'am said, "Stop writing.",  I was  just completing the last answer.

(v) The man was painting the wall when he fell off the ladder.

(vi) Amit was doing his homework when the lights went out.

(vii) My mother was cooking dinner when the bell rang.

2. Now complete the following suitably.

(i) I was sitting in a taxi yesterday when I saw my teacher.

(ii) He was cleaning out his cupboard when he got his old books.

(iii) I was riding the bicycle when a dog ran out onto the road.

(iv) All the students were shouting when the teacher walked into the room.

3. When we compare two things/people, we add -er or more to the describing word.

When we compare three or more things/people, we add est or most to the describing word.

Look at the following examples. When first two are compared and when all three are compared.

• The saiboat is fast

• The car is faster than the saiboat. 

• The aeroplane is the fastest of all.

• Hitting a target is difficult

• Juggling caps is more difficult than hitting a target. 

• Doing complicated magic tricks is the most difficult of them all.

Now complete the following in the same way using the word easy or strong.

(i)  Skipping is ______________.                                ( Ans : easy )

Jumping is ______________ than skipping.     ( Ans : easier )

Walking is the ______________ of all.                ( Ans: easiest )

(ii) The dog is ______________.                                ( Ans : strong )

The horse is ______________.                             ( Ans : stronger )

The elephant is ______________.                       ( Ans : strongest )

Now complete the following in the same way using the words or juicy or exciting. The order may vary according to your choice. 

  • apple ______________________        ( Ans : is juicy )

  • orange _____________________        ( Ans : is juicier than apple )

  • Sugarcane __________________        ( Ans : is the juiciest of all )

  • rock climbing  ________________        ( Ans : is exciting )

  • skiing                 ______________        ( Ans : is more exciting than rock climbing )

  • river rafting       ________________        ( Ans : is the most exciting of all )

4. Correct the use of the describing words in the following sentences.

(i) This is the simpler problem of them all.                                          

(ii) Which is the lightest of the two parcels?

(iii) He is cleverer than I am.

(iv) I like this the best of the two.

(v) The flood became badder as the rain increased.


 (i) This is the simplest problem of all.

(ii) Which is the lighter parcel?

(iii) He is cleverer than me.

(iv) I like the better.

(v) The flood became worse as the rain increased.

5. Punctuate the following sentences using capital letters, full stops (.) commas (,) question marks (?) apostrophe ( ‘ ) exclamation mark (!) wherever necessary.

dear samir,

i am sending you a photograph of my newest pet frisky is a bulldog and a very playful puppy by next summer he should be old enough to go with us on our long walks i m sure you are looking forward to seeing him I know you will like him

warm regards sanju


Dear Samir,

I am sending you a photograph of my newest pet. Frisky is a bulldog and a very playful puppy. By next summer, he should be old enough to go with us on our long walks. I’m sure you are looking forward to seeing him. I know you will like him.

Warm Regards, 


6. Punctuate the following sentences

(i) next wednesday my sister mita is going to join the state bank of india

(ii) the dog wags its tail when its pleased but a cat waves its tail when its angry

(iii) when I went fishing I caught an old shoe a plastic bag and a bad cold

(iv) she fed the baby washed the dishes put the lights off and went to sleep

(v) wasn’t tim born on the 26th of january 1989

(vi) oh no the bus has gone


(i) Next Wednesday, my sister Mita is going to join the State Bank of India.

(ii) The dog wags its tail when it's pleased but a cat waves its tail when it's angry.

(iii) When I went fishing, I caught an old shoe, a plastic bag and a bad cold.

(iv) She fed the baby, washed the dishes, put the lights off and went to sleep.

(v) Wasn’t Tim born on the 26th of January 1989?

(vi) “Oh no! The bus has gone.”

Let’s Find Out

Fill in the blanks.

(i) A giant tree

Red wood trees of California

(ii) A giant bird


(iii) A giant land animal


(iv) A giant water creature

Blue Whale

(v) A giant reptile


(vi) A giant aeroplane

Antonov An-225 Mriya

Creative Writing

You woke up one morning and found yourself in the land of dwarfs! Write a paragraph describing your experiences there and how you got back home finally. You may begin like this. Everything around me looked different. 


Everything around me looked different. They were very small in height. One could hold them in his palms. They looked at me with curiosity. They were beating the drums and playing the trumpets to make me awake. some of them had already climbed upon my chest. When I woke up they fell down. They were trying to speak something in their own language. Their voice was not audible properly. They had collected food for me. I was so excited to see that but that was not enough for me.I was the tallest of all. The villagers enjoyed by looking at me. I was like a giant for them. Their respect and behaviour will be memorable for me.

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