Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Robinson Crusoe Discovers a Footprint ( Reading Comprehension )


Passage 1

One day, when I was going towards my boat, I was surprised to see the footprint of a man on the sand. I stood amazed! I listened; I looked around me; I could neither hear nor see anything. I went up higher to look down; I went up the shore and down the shore, but it was no good; I could find no other footprint but that one. I went to it again to see if there were any more footprints and to tell if it had been my imagination. But I was not mistaken, for there was exactly the print of a foot – toes, heel, every part of a foot. I could not imagine how it came there.

Answer the following questions as per the given passage.

1. ‘When I was going towards my boat’, Who does I refer to ?


2. Why was he surprised ?


3. What made Robinson Crusoe think that the print on the ground was a footprint?


4. Which places did he visit to make sure about the footprint?


5. Which word in the passage means ‘surprised’?


6. Write the V1 form of the word ‘mistaken’.


Passage 2

When I came to my cave (which I called my castle), I ran inside it, as if I was being chased. I do not remember whether I used the ladder or went in by the hole in the rock, which I called the door. I ran for cover, faster than any animal could run.

I did not sleep that night. The more I thought about what I had seen, the more afraid I became. I thought it could be one of the savages of the mainland who had wandered out to the see, in a small boat.

Answer the following questions as per the given passage.

1. Why did he run inside the cave?


2. What did he use to call the cave?


3. Which part of the cave did he call as the door?


4. Why couldn’t he sleep that night?


5. Whose footprint was that as per him?


6. Which word in the passage means ‘primitive and wild people’?


7. Write the compound word from the passage.




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