Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Pinocchio | class 4 | English | Reading Comprehension

Passage 1

Read the passage given below and answer the questions followed.

Once upon a time, an old carpenter bought a very queer piece of wood. As he used his plane on it, he heard a little laughing voice say, “Stop! You’re tickling me.”

The old man was puzzled by the voice.

He said, “This is a strange piece of wood. What shall I do with it? I think. I’ll make it into a puppet.”

He set to work, and as the puppet boy took shape, the old man said, “He must have a name. I will call him Pinocchio.”

1. What did the carpenter buy?


2. What happened when the carpenter used his plane?


3. Why did the old man puzzle?


4. What did the carpenter decide to do with the wood?


5. What name did the carpenter give to the puppet?


6. What was Pinocchio?


7. Find the word from the paragraph which is synonym to the word doll.


8. Find the word from the passage which is opposite to familiar.



Passage 2

Read the passage given below and answer the questions followed.

As soon as he finished making the eyes, the carpenter was amazed to see them move. Before the mouth was made, it began to laugh. “Stop laughing!” the old man said. It did stop but as soon as his back was turned, it put out its tongue. Ans its nose grew long.

No sooner were its hands ready than it snatched off the carpenter’s wig and put it on its own head. And then Pinocchio’s nose grew longer.

When its legs and feet were made, they were too stiff to use, so the carpenter showed Pinocchio how to use them.

1. What happened when the carpenter finished making the eyes?


2. What did the puppet do before the mouth was made?


3. Did the puppet stop laughing?


4. What happened with the puppet when it put out its tongue?


5. What did the puppet do with the carpenter’s wig?


6. Why did the carpenter show the puppet how to use the legs?


7. Underline the action words.









8. Which word in the passage means taking forcefully?


9. Write the opposite of the following words.





 10. Fill in the blank to complete the relation.

wood : carpenter : : ……………….. : blacksmith



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