Thursday, February 24, 2022

Session Ending Examination | Revision | Class 5 | English


Class Discussion

1. What activity was going on in the class?

2. Who was the quiet one in the class? Why?

3. Complete the stanza.

Jane looked up and ……………

Her voice was …………………

"There are many people in this world

Who are rather ……………………"

The Talkative Barber

1. Why was the Sultan in a hurry?

2. Why did the Sultan get angry?

3. What defects did the brothers of the barber have?

4. How did the Sultan do an injury to the barber?

5. What were the things the barber got from the Sultan?

6. Why did the Barber take so long to shave the Sultan?

7. Do you think the Sultan was really very generous? Why do you say so?

Topsy-turvy Land

1. Complete the stanza.

You pay for what you never get,



In Topsy-turvy Land.

2. Write any two differences between Topsy-turvy land and our land.

3. Write any two activities of topsy-turvy land.

4. When do children go to school in Topsy-turvy Land?

5. Where do the boats and buses travel in Topsy-turvy land?

6. What is the sea made of in Topsy-turvy land?

7. What happens when you go in Topsy-turvy land?

Gulliver’s Travels

1. Who was Gulliver? What did the giant farmer do with him?

2. Why did the captain send the men to the land?

3. Why did the men rush back to the ship?

4. What did the farmer’s wife give Gulliver to eat?

5. How big was the cat?

6. What did the farmer’s son do with Gulliver?

7. Was the farmer’s wife kind towards Gulliver? How do you know?



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