Sunday, September 19, 2021

Helen Keller

Helen Keller | Class 4 | English | NCERT Solutions


Word Practice

Write the words three times each.



Three times each


























Word meanings

Write and remember the word meanings.






Not in well condition


Work as per rules






Different sounds in a word

Textbook Question and Answer

Reading is Fun

1. “Something is wrong,” said Helen’s mother. What was wrong with Helen?

Ans: Helen could not see and hear.

2. Although Helen could not hear or see, what kind of girl was she?

Ans: Although Helen could not hear or see, she was a bright little girl.

3. Who agreed to help Helen?

Ans: Miss Anne Sullivan, a young teacher agreed to help Helen.

4. How did Miss Sullivan help Helen?

Ans: Miss Sullivan taught Helen how to spell words to make Helen understand.

5. What did Helen learn when the teacher put her hand into running water?

Ans: Helen learnt that water meant something wet, running over her hand.

6. What was the most important thing that Helen finally understood?

Ans: Helen finally understood that words were the most important things in the world. Words would tell her everything she wanted to know.

Let’s talk

1. How do people who cannot see, read?

Ans: People who cannot see, read with the help of Braille script.

2. What is the script for children who cannot see called?

Ans: The script for children who can not see is called as Braille.

3. How do you think you can help children who cannot see?

Ans: I think, I can help as follows.

  • I can play with them.
  • I can give company to go to classroom and other necessary places.
  • I can help to cross the busy roads.
  • I can help to reach to the school bus.
  • Etc.

Let’s Write

Match the two parts of sentences given under column ‘A’ and ‘B’. Add ‘but’ to join the two parts and write complete sentences.

Column A

Column B

(i) Helen lived after her illness

(a) her mother thought she could learn.

(ii) She could not see or hear

(b) she did not understand what she was doing.

(iii) People thought that she could not learn anything

(c) she could not hear or see.


(iv) Helen copied the words

(d) she was kind to Helen.

(v) Miss Sullivan was strict

(e) she was very intelligent.



i. Helen lived after her illness but she could not hear or see.

ii. She could not see or hear but she was very intelligent.

iii. People thought that she could not learn anything but her mother thought she could learn.

iv. Helen copied the words but she did not understand what she was doing.

v. Miss Sullivan was strict but she was kind to Helen.

 Team time

1. Read the following sentences

  • Her clothes were always dirty.
  • She was often angry.
  • Sometimes she lay on the floor.
  • Her parents never scolded her.

2. Ask yourself the following questions. Put a tick ( ) under the right column.






How often do you

(a) obey your parents?




(b) visit your grandparents?




(c) fight with your brother or sister?




(d) help others?




(e) throw waste in the dustbin?




(f) switch off the lights, when you go out of the room?




(g) leave the tap on while brushing your teeth?




(h) tear pages from your notebook?








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